Why Investors Should Keep Eye on Qtum

Why Investors Should Keep Eye on Qtum

With many Bitcoin alternatives in the market, it is very hard to know the right asset to invest in. however, with the simplicity of Qtum (QTUM) value proposition and advanced infrastructure development, it is easy, as an investor to see Qtum beyond what is on the surface."Why Investors Should Keep Eye on Qtum"

The shift of developer attention to the platform is the first indicator that institutions and big investors are likely to move in in large numbers. Qtum has been in the market for some time and its resilience is based of its functional offerings that are consumer driven and here are some reasons why as an investor you need to keep an eye on the ecosystem and its digital asset.

Why Investors Should Keep Eye on Qtum

Qtum Scalability is Functional

Unlike many platforms, it is very easy to create applications on the Qtum ecosystem. With the dApp market leader, Ethereum at crossroads, Qtum offers a better option since its platform also supports the EVM. Simply put; whatever app you build on Ethereum can work seamlessly well on the Qtum network.
With Ethereum dApp popularity on the decline, that of Qtum is rising, thanks to the because of the compatibility of the two system. Qtum speeds remain high thus lowering the transaction costs. Ethereum has been in the market longer than Qtum but the new entrant is making inroads into the former market and this makes the QTUM investor future bright.

Qtum Transaction Scalability Superiority

The not-so-savvy investor will look at a system transactions speed first. No one would like to be kept in suspense waiting for transaction to clear in an anonymous environment. The less time a transaction takes to clear, the better and Qtum scores a first. The use of SegWit process enables the platform process more transactions per second that is competitors positioning itself as a platform for critical business Apps.

Speed has been a big headache for first generation platforms and when system get congested, their storage capacity is stretched and this lowers the transactions speed that triggers the billing circle  making transactions costs skyrocket. Qtum has all these issues taken care of and that is what transactions are in real time and cost less.

Qtum Security Levels

Qtum knows very well that high transactions speed are low fees are nothing if the system is not secured. There is no point of saving on transactions while your online funds are exposed to hacks. The systems contract templates are tested and have been known to be stable have not weak entry points. This has been achieved by ensuring all dApps run optimally to avoid downtimes.

A single dApp failure simple means an entry point has been created and it is easy for the entire network to be hit. The system is designed to support business oriented use cases and the security is a critical function in the entire network.

Qtum is a Cross-Breed blockchain

Qtum is a combination of Ethereum and Bitcoin technologies; however, the developers have picked the best concepts and combine them and present the investor with as better product than the two. As an investor, you need to look at the present and future of the infrastructure you need to invest in; after all, it is your money.

With the combination of security and functional and transactional scalabilities, you do not have to look any further. As an entry point coin to the crypto verse, you need to get in easy, trade conveniently and if need be, exit better; this is the essence of investing in digital currency and assets.

Qtum (QTUM) Market Value

With the above points taken care of, it is important to look at Qtum value standings and its future proposition. During the crypto hype, QTUM hit is high of $103 in January 7. The coin has drastically dropped in value to the current $4.85 at the time of writing and it is on its way up by 4.88% to the dollar.
In January 2018, most cryptocurrencies did not have defined real life use cased. Qtum has come evolved to a spendable asset and its use cases are clear. The current price surge is not hype generated and it is a true representation of its value. This is the right time for any investor to keep an eye on it and stake up.

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